A social party game based on the viral YouTube series by Jubilee. The ultimate ice breaker and conversation starter!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
📦 Exciting Shipping & Fulfillment Update! 📦
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 06:57:29 AM
Hello backers!
We have exciting news to share, our goods have landed in our warehouse today!! From here, all of the inventory will be processed through our warehouse and then prepped for delivery to all of you! If all goes smoothly, orders will start shipping as early as next week.
Our base games are all here!
And here are the expansion packs.
Thank you backers for all of your support and patience through this process. We will be working hard to get these fulfilled and shipped out.
We will be back with updates as soon as the first orders ship out!
— Team Jubilee
🚨 FINAL CALL 🚨 for address updates!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 10:30:50 AM
Hello backers!
We are another step closer to fulfillment, as our shipment has left the factory and should be loaded on to a ship any day now!
As such, we are doing a LAST CALL for address updates! If you need to update your shipping address, please email us at [email protected] before October 10. We will be locking addresses FOR GOOD after October 10, so please get your updates in within the next few days!
We will back soon with more fulfillment news - thank you for your support and patience throughout this process!
— Team Jubilee
Production Update
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 07:19:33 AM
Hello Backers!
We wanted to share an update with you regarding our production timeline for Spectrum. In our July update, we had said that the estimated timeline for Spectrum to finish production was the first week of September. The production was delayed a bit from that estimate (not uncommon in these crazy times!), and production is now scheduled to finish next week.
We are ready to hit the ground running with shipping as soon as our production is finished - our freight forwarder is already booked and standing by to safely shepherd your games across the ocean!
We also wanted to share a few new photos with you from the factory! This copy of the game they are showing is fresh off the assembly line and will be identical to the copy you receive.
Thank you for your patience and support. Hopefully our next update will be to announce that mass production has completed!
— Team Jubilee
🚨 BackerKit Closing August 17! 🚨
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 05:51:09 PM
Hi everyone!
Mass production is rolling along smoothly, and as such, we have set a date to close the BackerKit and charge your cards. The BackerKit will close at 5PM PT on Wednesday, August 17. Please make sure that you have your order completed before this time - that means you have selected all the items you want and entered your shipping address. When we charge cards, you'll be charged for any extra items you ordered, plus shipping costs based on your region.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://spectrumgame.backerkit.com/.
Thanks everyone!
— Team Jubilee
Mass Production & Shipping Update
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 06:26:32 PM
Hello backers,
We have great news - we are now in mass production! After correcting a few issues in the advance copy, we gave our factory the green light to go ahead with mass production. Our manufacturer has advised us that production will be complete in the first week of September. We are of course hopeful that they may be able to move that timeline up, but that is their current estimate.
Unfortunately we are going to miss our original estimated ship date of July. There are a few reasons for this, but chief among them has been the Covid situation in China which has caused a lot of unreliability in timelines, communication, and shipping. We're deeply grateful to our manufacturing partners who have been doing a great job with the project despite hurdles like forced lockdowns and even power shortages.
We're sorry that we were not able to hit our original July estimate, and we really appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this delay and adapt our new shipping schedule. If it's any consolation: we truly could not be any happier with the production of the game, and we think you are absolutely going to love holding Spectrum in your hands and getting it onto your gaming tables.
What does this mean for our shipping schedule? Assuming that our production wraps up the first week of September, our games then need to make the long journey across the ocean to our shipping hub in Los Angeles. Ocean freight can typically between 4-6 weeks. This means that we will likely start fulfillment in October/November.
This is our current best estimate, but we would like to stress that additional delays may be possible. Covid has really wreaked havoc on the global supply chain and logistics, and while this situation is improving, we are not out of the woods yet. It is still possible we may experience a delay getting onto a shipping container at a port, or getting through customs - though of course we are crossing our fingers that doesn't happen!
Rest assured that we will keep you updated through this process. You can expect updates throughout production and throughout the shipping process to let you know the project status. And at the end of it, you will get a fun, beautiful, imaginative game 😊
If you have not yet, please make sure you complete your BackerKit survey with your most updated information as soon as possible.
Thank you all for your support, and for your patience 🙏